IRS Relief Now Covers Kentucky, Parts of Illinois and Tennessee

As recovery efforts spread across parts of the south in the wake of the December 10 tornadoes, the Internal Revenue Service is expanding its effort to give affected taxpayers in the region a helping hand.… Read more about IRS Relief Now Covers Kentucky, Parts of Illinois and Tennessee (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…

Cyber Security Essentials for Tax & Accounting Firms [Webinar]

The months leading up to filing season are packed with studying tax law changes, learning software updates, training seasonal staff, and—of course—the holidays. During the pre-season hustle, it’s easy to forget one of the most important ingredients for a successful tax business: an up-to-date data security plan.… Read more about Cyber Security Essentials for Tax & Accounting Firms [Webinar] (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…

Drake Software Statement on the Apache Log4j Vulnerability

Drake Software, LLC (“Drake”) is aware of the recently disclosed Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, and has taken the following steps to ensure the continued protection of its operations and customers.… Read more about Drake Software Statement on the Apache Log4j Vulnerability (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…